World’s Most Beautiful Twins’ Are Now Famous Instagram Models

As all parents will confirm, having a newborn is monumentally challenging. Despite all the difficulties though, each new bundle of joy represents one of life’s most magical moments. So, Jaqi and Kevin Clements couldn’t have been happier when they discovered they not one but two little blessings. They welcomed their identical twins sooner than scheduled, but the girls were born beautiful and healthy.

The Clements family welcomed their adorable girls Ava Marie and Leah Rose in 2010, and little did they know the surprises awaiting them. After the twins were born, their striking looks did not go unnoticed. In fact, their unparalleled beauty catapult them to fame. Dubbed the ‘world’s most beautiful twins,’ the Clements twins are taking the modeling world by storm. Indeed, they’ve already won the hearts of 1 million followers (and counting) on Instagram. Their journey has some fascinating twists and turns, and of course, plenty of amazing pictures. Read on for a glimpse into their unique world plus some bonus strategies for anyone seeking social media stardom.

Making a Bold Entrance


On July 7, 2010, Jaqi was not expecting to meet her newborn babies Ava Marie and Leah Rose. The twins surprised everyone by coming earlier than expected, but as time passed by, Jaqi understood the reason behind their early arrival.

“They came four and a half weeks early, but knowing their personalities now, it makes total sense that they would show up early, unannounced, and ready to take on anything,” Jaqi said.

The twins’ natural beauty was evident from the moment they were born – with big blue eyes, chubby cheeks, and perfectly symmetrical faces, they had that model look from the start. Of course, this led to endless compliments from family and strangers alike.


What Everyone Said


With little girls this lovely and adorable, people couldn’t resist complimenting them. From the moment they were born, Jaqi continually heard the same comment: “Wow they are so beautiful, you should really think about getting them into modeling.” Eventually, she decided to follow the advice and see if her little ones would take to modeling.

Once the twins were six months old, the family inked a deal with an agency in Los Angeles. At the time, Jaqi was also taking care of their two-year-old son, so motherhood was as challenging as it was rewarding. To maintain balance, she decided to shorten the first modeling gig the girls appeared in, keeping it to just three months.

What the Twins Wantfacebook-fam-14413-97944.jpg

While modeling seems like a fun idea, Jaqi decided the girls were too young to be starting. She felt no regrets about pulling the kids out. But as time went on, things slowly started to change, and Jaqi had to make an important decision.

Ava Marie and Leah Rose were so young it was hard to say whether they would want to be models. Jaqi wanted to support her kids in doing what they wanted, not what others suggested. So, to keep the girls happy, she made sure they were old enough to have a say before considering modeling again.


Waiting For The Right Time


Even when they were toddlers, Jaqi wasn’t convinced they were old enough to voice their opinions or make their own decisions. As such, Jaqi and her husband thought hard about the right time to allow the twins to decide for themselves.

A great believer in signs, Jaqi kept an open mind and heart. Since seven is her lucky number, she felt it was more than a coincidence that Ava and Leah were born on 7/7. And the very thought of them turning seven on July 7, 2017 gave Jaqi a hint on how to resolve her concern about the dream of her beloved girls.

The Girls’ Response


By the time Ava and Leah reached seven years old, they had developed their own personalities. They were involved in various extracurricular activities like swimming and dancing. According to Jaqi, the girls love to perform for anybody and everybody, a trait she and her husband don’t have.

On their 7th birthday, she brought up the long-awaited plan, telling the girls that if they wanted to pursue modelling, in addition to their weekly dance and swim classes, they could give it a try. And the twins’ response? “They started jumping up and down and couldn’t wait to begin,” said Jaqi.


The Modeling Begins Again

The transition back to modelling was smoother for Jaqi and her twins. Luckily, their neighbor had recently opened a children’s boutique and she needed models to help market her new business. Ava and Leah were given the job without a moment’s hesitation.


Because the girls were still very young, Jaqi took things slowly. She knew that wearing excessive makeup and a variety of pretty clothes could be unhealthy for their development. So, she took the matter into her hands and “put a few waves in the girl’s hair, dabbed on a little blush” and snapped their photos using her decade-old Nikon camera.


Ironing Out the Wrinkles

During her first shoot with the twins, Jaqi had to cut them a lot of slack. Despite their stunning looks, Ava and Leah didn’t have a natural understanding of how to model. “Ava would look at the camera while Leah would stare off into space… Leah would accidentally bump into Ava who of course thought it was on purpose and would shove her back,” Jaqi said.


Jaqi worried that it would be difficult to get the twins back with an agent after their first attempt six years ago. Still, she called her old contacts and to her surprise, they ended up inking deals with not one but two agencies.

The Double Agency Predicament

Little did Jaqi realize that having two agencies would put them in trouble rather than giving her daughters more opportunity and exposure. Everything was turning okay until one of the agencies gave her a call.


“Hi, we wanted to let you know we were able to get the girls straight through to a callback for a Barbie Audition tomorrow,” the agent told Jaqi. Of course, she was overjoyed with the good news but she panicked because her girls had the same audition with their other agent. So she told the truth and the issues got fixed in no time.


Instagram Explosion

In July 2017 Jaqi created an Instagram account for the girls called @clementstwins. Though she was clueless as to the ins-and-outs of social media promotion. The girls had 380,000 followers after just five months. The aim of the account was to serve as a portfolio for agencies and to earn a huge fanbase.


These goals were rapidly achieved thanks to the charm and beauty of the twins. She also let one of their biggest secrets to success slip: “One thing I know for sure, it’s ALL about the pictures… so don’t settle for an average photographer because you want to save a few dollars.”

It Runs in the Blood

2017 proved to be a great year for the Clements family. Alongside Ava and Leah’s progress in modeling, Jaqi had a feeling that 2017 would be a lucky and exciting year since 7 is the family’s lucky number.


Ava and Leah’s success in the modelling world is greatly credited to their genes. That being the case, it’s no surprise that their older brother Chase proved to be a talented model too. He signed a contract with the same modeling agency, and has taken an interest in acting. You may have even seen him performing in a few commercials. Striking looks and talent certainly run in the family!


The Highs and Lows

As soon as the public were introduced to the twins, love for them grew like crazy. Not long after they decided to give modeling a try, Lea and Avah had completed six jobs in the span of a week. They loved every minute of it and wanted to do more.


Jaqi, meanwhile, was new to the modeling business and figuring everything out as she went along. As the years progress, she’s learning more about the industry and says there are ups and downs. On her blog, she wrote that one of the most important things she’s learned is, “before trusting someone to guide you, make sure you know who you are getting involved with.”


Finding The Right Assistance

One of the hardest challenges Jaqi and her girls consistently encounter in their modeling life is LA traffic. Their several weekly trips into downtown Los Angeles can sometimes turn into 6-hour-long roundtrip drives. Although this journey is challenging and exhausting, they have little choice but to deal with it.


Jaqi always does thorough research before getting her kids involved in anything, and she ignores any negativity directed at her daughters or her family. She feels a lot of anxiety and pressure to safeguard her family and fight back, but then reminds herself, “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.”

“They Look Sad”

Ava and Leah frequently receive a comment that they look sad all the time. Some people even take this to mean that they’re being pushed to model and that they aren’t enjoying their job. The girls respond that some photoshoots are supposed to be more serious than others.


Some people think the girls are too young to be exposed to makeup and “grownup clothes.” Jaqi’s response is: “ln every job the girl’s book through their agency, or any professional photo shoot they attend, there is a hired hair and makeup artist on set. Why!? Because that’s how the industry works.”

They Do Other Things Too

Jaqi knew they’d never be able to please everyone, so despite receiving endless negative comments from the public about Leah and Ava’s modeling career, she and her daughters take comfort in the fact that they know they haven’t been forced into modeling.


Aside from modeling, the twins are still average little girls. They play around during photo shoots and sometimes get on each other’s nerves. They still love dancing and often do it in front of the camera before they begin modeling.

The Benefits of Modeling

Although the modeling life can be super tiring, it’s also been instrumental in bringing the Clements family together. They consider each trip as an opportunity to spend more time together and make new friends in the process.


In addition to enjoying more family time and meeting other kids their age, the twins are frequently sent new clothes and products to try out. They love testing them out and use their photoshoots to give a shout-out to the companies who sent the gifts.


Instagram Success

Gaining a huge fan base in a short amount of time is no easy feat. Just as the twins’ Though their account earned more than 300,000 followers in a short amount of time, Jaqi knew she had to learn all the tricks to turn her little girls from Instagram novices into superstars.


Knowing very little about social media, she had to strategize to win the attention of the public. To make sure that people don’t get bored of your social media, Jaqi recommends to post in moderation. She explained that if you overpost, people will likely unfollow you because you’re consuming too much of their entire timeline.


The Importance of Hashtags

Another crucial factor to consider when it comes to Ava and Leah’s Instagram account is the application of hashtags. Being the ever-supportive mother that she is, Jaqi did her research and found a formula that helps to get her daughters as much exposure as possible without being over-the-top with the hashtags.


She revealed that in order to get the attention of social media users, she uses the same hashtags as other models their age. That way, they’ll be seen by those who follow the other models’ accounts. This makes sense huh? Keep reading to learn more effective social media strategies.

Following Others To Boost Your Profile

Also, remember that when you’re running a popular Instagram account, you want to follow certain people to increase your chances that they will follow you. During the early phase of her relationship with Instagram, Jaqi followed other child models, children’s stores, photographers, makeup artists, and more.


And the girls drew a big following in just a short period. But, Jaqi learned that she had to be selective with the people she wanted to follow. She reviewed the accounts carefully and followed only the most relevant accounts.


The Comments Section

Many things contributed to the massive success of the twins’ Instagram account. One of the biggest was the comments section on their Instagram page. A big portion of their success comes down to the fact that they took advantage of the comments.


Jaqi explained that she would make comments on the posts of other models, photographers, and makeup artists in the hope of making contact with them and starting a conversation. She said that maximizing the comments section helps to create healthy relationships relationships and familiarize yourself with other significant people in your industry.

Making New Friends

The modeling industry has a lot of benefits, and the Clements twins got to experience them at a very young age. Jaqi revealed that one of the major advantages of having her daughters in the modeling industry is all the friends they make along the way.


On her blog, Jaqi shared how much Ava and Leah value friendships. She wrote: “[They] meet a new ‘friend’ for 10 minutes at an audition or a shoot and are already asking me if this new friend can be their cousin, because a simple friendship just doesn’t quite express the love they have for their new friend.”


The Modeling Industry Isn’t Cheap

The twins’ mommy would also like to make it clear that just because her daughters are constantly booking jobs, this doesn’t mean that their family is rich. Jaqi revealed that they have to budget for gas, food, and headshots to keep up with the job.


Jaqi uses her blog as a platform to share every memorable experience and all the challenges. “I guess if you really put it all into perspective, the money we as parents put out now… will allow them to make their own money they can use towards college or a car or a house in the future,” she writes.

Be Careful Who You Trust

Reflecting on her family’s journey in the modeling industry, Jaqi shared on her blog: “This by far has been one of the most stressful, upsetting, mind-boggling, and biggest lessons I’ve learned in this industry so far.” She is referring to the fact that you should be wary of who you trust.


She pointed out that when choosing an agent or industry professional to work with, it’s crucial that you hire someone who values your kids’ best interests. Doing a little research on the person will save you and your family a lot of trouble. Indeed, trust is important.

Be Careful Who You Trust

Reflecting on her family’s journey in the modeling industry, Jaqi shared on her blog: “This by far has been one of the most stressful, upsetting, mind-boggling, and biggest lessons I’ve learned in this industry so far.” She is referring to the fact that you should be wary of who you trust.


She pointed out that when choosing an agent or industry professional to work with, it’s crucial that you hire someone who values your kids’ best interests. Doing a little research on the person will save you and your family a lot of trouble. Indeed, trust is important.


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